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Become a Taopatch® Professional Applicator

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06 mag 2024

If you're a healthcare professional looking for an innovative solution to help your patients relieve chronic pain, reduce work time, and optimize care time, Taopatch® may be the answer you've been looking for.

What is Taopatch®?

Taopatch® is a Class 1 CE medical device. It is a mini light therapy laser, subject of randomized double-blind studies, whose results have been published on International scientific journals and indexed on the World Bank for Biomedical Research, PubMed.

Thanks to its small size, it is wearable 24 hours a day, providing a constant and continuous ultra-low laser therapy, without releasing any chemicals or side effects.

How does it work?

Taopatch® is composed of layers of nanotechnology and is activated with body heat and sunlight. It transforms the heat it receives into consistent photons that nurture our body with therapeutic light.

By emitting a broad spectrum of wavelengths, Taopatch® is able to improve the communication between our central nervous system and peripheral receptors. It acts on the proprioceptive, energetic and metabolic systems and can offer benefits at a postural, analgesic, metabolic and emotional level.

Greater balance, movement and pain reduction can be experienced from the very first application and are scientifically measurable with Taopatch® diagnostic tools.

These outcomes can stabilize over time, thus giving lasting results. Several studies have proven that Taopatch® can also be a support in people with degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Multiple Sclerosis, improving walking, muscle strength and emotional balance.

What does it mean to use Taopatch® in your profession?

Becoming a Taopatch® professional means entering a world of possibilities, which allows you to make outpatient sessions more functional, increasing the number of satisfied patients and reducing treatment time. Above all, it means embracing a new way of diagnosing and treating the patient at 360 degrees. In fact, the Taopatch® methodology allows you to evaluate not only the chemical, but also the energetic and metabolic aspect of the body, being able to identify the causes of pains or disorders through a battery of scientific and accurate tests.

How to access the training?

The path to becoming a Taopatch® professional is now accessible to all International healthcare operators thanks to a course which will be conducted entirely in English and translated simultaneously in Serbian. 

The Professional Taopatch® Application Course — Basic Module will take place on June 14th and 15th in Belgrade. To find out more about the course and registration, visit:


During the two days of training, you will have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge of this innovative technology on a theoretical and practical level. You will learn how to identify your patients’ problems and the right application methods to treat them. You will see the case studies of successful physicians who already use Taopatch® and will get the chance to ask questions directly to the inventor of this nanotechnology, Dr. Fabio Fontana. 

Once trained, you will then be able to integrate this technology into your physical examinations, extend the benefits of the session and speed up your patients’ recovery time.

Don't miss the opportunity to offer a unique treatment to your patients: become a Taopatch® professional!

Register today to the Professional Taopatch® Application Course — Basic Module.

Communication addressed to healthcare professionals.

Ultima modifica: 27 agosto, 2024
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